Give Money Allocated for Trump's Space Force to NASA Instead!

  • van: Llowell W
  • ontvanger: Trump Administration

Vice President Mike Pence recently announced that President Trump's plans to establish the U.S. Space Force will be going forward. Initially, it will cost $8 billion, but it will necessarily inflate as time goes on.

What this White House apparently does not realize is that the U.S. Air Force already covers space-based military threats with the U.S. Air Force Space Command.

Not only will creating the Space Force be an unnecessary use of taxpayer funds, but it will me taking money that could be better spent on the original U.S. space agency, NASA.

NASA has produced technologies and scientific discoveries which have revolutionized our lives, from home insulation to cell phone cameras to water purifiers. NASA is also one of our foremost peace outreach programs; few missions or projects are conducted without international cooperation today. The International Space Station exemplifies this.

Tell the Trump administration that it should scrap Space Force and to instead invest that money in NASA by adding your name to this petition!

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