Save the Turkeys!

Let's save turkeys this Thanksgiving!

Every year 300 million turkeys are raised and slaughtered for food, and 46 million of those will be eaten on Thanksgiving alone. Yikes. End this hypocrisy by urging the White House to set the right example for Americans by eating a cruelty-free meal on Thanksgiving.

But what if you want to save even more Thanksgiving turkeys? We suggest participating in one of the many adopt-a-turkey programs around the country. One that has particularly impressed us is Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt-a-Turkey Project. Since 1986, Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt-A-Turkey Project has encouraged people to save a turkey at Thanksgiving, through sponsorships that help them rescue animals and provide care for them at their sanctuaries, as well as educate and advocate for turkeys, and other farm animals, everywhere. As the 2016 Adopt-a-Turkey spokesman, Alec Baldwin, says, “turkeys deserve better."

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