Ban Grouse Shooting And Killing of Protected Hen Harrier Bird of Prey in UK

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: UK Government Officials, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ask the UK Government to put a strict ban on the shooting of all birds of prey known as grouse shooting. This practice of hunting these birds is putting the Hen Harrier in England on the endangered lists, in fear of extinction.

Several birds of prey in the UK are in danger of extinction, especially the beautiful hen harrier that should be in the numbers of 330 pairs plus; however, in recent years, there are only a handful left due to the population being culled through illegal grouse management. The sport of grouse shooting is placing this bird in danger of extinction, wiping out what little numbers are left.

Not only is the protected Hen Harrier in England in danger of extinction, the management of sport of grouse shooting leads to a risk of flooding, degradation of peat bogs, discoloration of the drinking water and an overall impact on other wildlife. This species of bird is in extreme danger of being fizzled out of existence.

We need to unite in our efforts to put an end to grouse shootings and save the hen harrier. It is believed that this investigation against wildlife crimes like protecting this bird is costly and time consuming so that it is difficult to get police resources involved in protecting these birds and banning grouse shooting. You can help by signing and sharing this petition worldwide in an effort to be a loud voice against these practices of shooting these birds and ban grouse shooting in England!

UK Government Officials, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - We strongly urge you ban grouse shooting completely and protect the extremely endangered Hen Harrier of England. The numbers of these birds are in such limited numbers already! Do not allow any further killing of these birds and ban grouse shooting immediately.

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