Better Conditions For Lynnhaven Pet-Go-Round Animals

People will adopt these dogs not knowing how large they can possibly get, a Great Pyrenees lives in a container with another pup and they can get to the size of a baby polar bear. People only want them when they are young and small not thinking of the future. Larger puppies are being put in cages where they can hardly move. Their cages are unkept and they drink from a metal tube that a small animal such as a hamster would use. I have previous knowledge that puppies of larger sizes become more malnourished and sick when taken into the real world. They reside in a mall where they are looked like objects instead of animals. All of the animals that live in the store are shown off in a metal container with paper shreads as flooring. On many accounts, puppies are taken home only to soon be put in a hospital because they are too ill. These animals are bought not adopted, they are used for money and entertainment. Please help our cause so these animals can get the proper care they deserve!

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