Congress Must Finally Protect Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros

  • ontvanger: U.S. Congress
Wild horses and burros are iconic, sacred symbols of the American West. Yet they continue to be rounded up, kept in horrific and unsafe captivity, and slaughtered en masse by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). 

To make matters worse, the Bureau is committing these horrors using taxpayer money. The vast majority of taxpayers oppose the cruel and wasteful mismanagement of these majestic creatures, and the BLM's practices need to change now. Any existing laws that are supposed to protect these beautiful animals clearly are not enough, because millions have been killed due to terrible management practices for decades. That's why Congress must pass new legislation to protect our beloved wild horses and burros!

Sign now to demand Congress protect wild horses and burros for good by passing the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Protection Act of 2022!

The proposed bill, titled the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Protection Act of 2022, would mark a major departure from decades of gruesome mismanagement of the wild animals, which have a right to roam free. The bill prioritizes humane management, habitat restoration, and increased transparency on the programs overall. The act even paves the way for strategic partnerships with non-profit organizations and American veterans. This would be an amazing step forward toward more ethical and humane treatment of all wild horses and burros in the American West!

Beholden to industries that prioritize human development over environmental conservation, the BLM has facilitated the cruel rounding up, neglectful captivity, and torturous slaughter of literally millions of horses. 

It is time for Congress to fix this tragic problem and pass the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Petition Act of 2022! Help us tell lawmakers to pProtect these sacred animals and iconic symbols of the American West! Sign the petition if you agree.
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