Courage the Dog Found With Tow Chain Embedded in Neck

  • ontvanger: Detroit Police
Courage the dog was recently rescued by a Detroit based rescue. When they found him, he had a carabiner literally hooked through the flesh of his neck. Not only was this brutal attachment tactic used, but the carabiner was attached to a 15 lb towing chain. 

Sign the petition to ask the Detroit Police to find the person responsible for Courage's harm.

Luckily, Courage is now recovering. But he will need some help. Head over here if you can contribute. 

No animal should have to suffer such pain and abuse. But while they still do, we need to be their voice and be sure law enforcement takes cases like Courage's seriously.

Please sign and share my petition to be sure the person who tortured sweet Courage is brought to justice. 

Not only is this story tragic, it is also important to note that many people who abuse animals also abuse people. So finding these violent people and holding them accountable is important for a society that is safer for both animals and humans.
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