Congress: Foreign Aid Cuts Are Un-American

Trump's new budget plan includes massive cuts to foreign aid. The logic for the cuts is unsound and un-American. Please sign to pressure Congress to reject these foreign aid cuts.

The new budget proposes a 29 percent budget cut to The State Department, including the U.S. Agency for International Development. Trump argues that the US is always leading in funding and therefore should take a step back. But the truth is that the US is ranked #22 in foreign aid. 

Trump is essentially militarizing foreign aid, which will not make the US safer. In fact, it will do the opposite. Alleviating poverty and providing resources around the globe is actually the most politically stabilizing thing we can do. If we pull funding, we will certainly be causing more civil unrest and poverty. 

So not only is pulling funding for these programs morally wrong, it will actually make the US less safe in general!

Some of the programs which would suffer under the new proposal are UNICEF, which aids children and mothers in developing countries, World Food Programme, which aims to end hunger worldwide as well as some family planning and peacekeeping programs. This is a horrifying and wrong move!

Not to mention that Trump actually campaigned on keeping a robust foreign aid program, so this budget is just the latest way he has not kept his word.
Update #27 jaar geleden
We've learned that Trump's proposed budget would hit Tibetan foreign aid the hardest, completely eliminating funding to help the people of Tibet. This comes at a time when the Chinese government is ramping up its persecution of Tibetans by demolishing their largest Buddhist academy. We must not abandon them! Please share this petition far & wide to make sure the U.S. doesn't turn its back on human rights abuses and the Tibetan people.
Update #17 jaar geleden
The budget proposal is out and it would cut 31% of all US diplomacy and aid efforts. Sanitation, anti-HIV, malaria and and tuberculosis work, peace keeping, and more would lose funding. This is the exact wrong move if we want to make America safer.
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