Mr dushane came at my backyard door, he asked how I and Lex doing? I answered his questions, but he still standing there try to communicate more, at this point I said we are good and warn him," Are you sure you want me to open the door" he still stand there and want to see me. When I opened the door slightly my dog go out to glance him. when he was looking up and down to make sure he is not danger to me, mr dushane as he said raised hand to protect himself because he scared of my dog to bite his neck!
Mr Dushane is a tall guy and lex cannot reach his neck to bite him
when his dog attacking toward me I stay still and did not move because I know in this situation you have to be calm and without movement unless you encourage the dog to attack you.
My dog just want to protect me from stranger and be loyal to me.
My dog was not vicious at all , he was without leash around my neighbor's kids on the right hand side and never bite them.
he is just very protective and look up and down to people coming in my backyard by my permission or appointment,.
Mr Dustan's presence was unwelcome and my dog felt it, and wants to be protective and loyal to me.
again I am so sorry for the pain and bleeding that mr. dushane tolerate, I just ask for one more chance to train him and train myself and neutered him.
he is still very young and deserve to have a chance to live life fully.