Facebook: Please remove the "Declawing Is Not Cruel" group!!!

  • van: Marion Friedl
  • ontvanger: Facebook support https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/268228883256323

https://www.facebook.com/groups/8587197829/?fref=ts is the link to a Facebook group called "Declawing Is Not Cruel", that damned group even has 57 members at the moment, I ask Facebook to remove that page because declawing IS cruel, even if it´s done by laser technic!!! Look at this post here:
https://www.facebook.com/citythekitty/photos/a.10153032353833642.1073741840.200506123641/10153862003668642/?type=1 (you probably have to copy it and fill it into the Google search line)


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