Tell Amazon, Apple, Google, and Roku to Drop the NRA!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Amazon, Apple, Google, and Roku
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, the National Rifle Association spews inflammatory rhetoric and fear-mongering propaganda online through its online video channel NRATV. And several tech companies are helping them do it.

Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Google's Chromecast, and Roku all host NRATV, helping amplify the NRA's hate-filled speech. Please join in demanding that these streaming services drop NRATV today!

The NRA describes its online video channel as a "source for the most comprehensive coverage of the Second Amendment and firearms related issues," but the truth is that it is just a tool the organization uses to pit Americans against one another and incite violence in order to increase gun sales. They use purposefully incendiary rhetoric, often with racist undertones, and conspiracy theories to rile up the organization's far-right base against anyone with different views.

A spokesperson for Roku has said that it has no plans of dropping NRATV at the moment and that it only removes content "that is unlawful, incites illegal activities or violates third-party rights." NRATV's hateful content absolutely does incite illegal activities by promoting gun violence against less conservative Americans.

Amazon, Apple, Google, and Roku have an ethical responsibility to remove content that endangers public safety, which is exactly what NRATV does. Please sign this petition demanding that these companies drop NRATV from their streaming platforms now.

Photo credit: Bart / Flickr
Update #16 jaar geleden
NRATV just posted a video inciting violence against journalists and threatening those who disagree with them. Please share this petition to keep the pressure on.
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