Demand the Governor and Veterinary Board of Montana ban declawing of cats and other animals

  • van: Pamela Tracy
  • ontvanger: This petition is directly aimed at all Veterinarians in the State of Montana

Unless declawing is medically necessary for any animal without veterinarians and clients making up excuses, declawing of cats and other domestic animals should be banned in the State of Montana.  The Veterinary Board in the State of Montana is guilty of neglect of duty.  

Anyone who is interested in banning declawing of cats and other domestic animals in this state needs to know that pain can continue after your animals fingers are declawed.  Animals fingers become deformed after declawing.  Arthritis can develop in animals fingers after declawing.  In some cases, repair surgery may also be necessary.  ADDITIONALLY, even though the animal is anesthesized during declawing surgery, animals can feel excrutiating pain.  Please sign this petition and read up on the latest facts on the torture of declawing animals. There are many articles on the internet.  Lets become better people as there are many alternative safe methods to use for our domestic pets.  

This petition is directly related with another petition I currently have on this site.  If you sign this petition, review the petition Demand the Governor of Montana and Veterinary Board to change procedures to protect our animals.  I have personal knowledge that a veterinarian in Livingston MT sees declawing animals as nothing. This same veterinary business tortured myself and my cat Lola who is mentioned in my other petition.

Let's tell the State of Montana and its big Ranchers and Farmers and citizens to treat our domestic animals as domestic animals and not as wildlife.  This state is 16 this year in the humane treatment of animals, we can be better.  Help me tell citizens in the state who have domestic animals to be better to their precious domestic pets.

Update #310 jaar geleden
Update #210 jaar geleden
I would really like to get thousands of signatures for this petition. It is important not to let veterinarians influence people that declawing is alright, which we know that some do. I have learned a lesson about veterinarians. They are not given the scrutiny that their fellow doctors in the medical field are and our animals are in danger if they decide who lives and who dies.
Update #111 jaar geleden
Thank you all so much for signing my petition for me. The reason I decided to put this petition out there is because I am sure that veterinarians will tell their clients this and that about this procedure of declawing when they should be recommending other methods. I am seriously bothered by the greediness of certain veterinarians in this state. Thank you for your support.
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