Re-establish the United States Civilian Conservation Corps

  • van: Hon. Jay D. Alexander
  • ontvanger: Representative Virginia Fox, Chair of the U.S. House Education and Workforce Committee

As a Citizen of the United States I urge you as the Chair of the Education and Workforce Committee to consider with all your colleagues to become aware of and consider being a co-sponsor of H.R. 2206 - The 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Act.

H.R. 2206 - the 21st Century CCC Act, sponsored by Marcy Kaptur OH-9 would authorize the President to re-establish the Civilian Conservation Corps as a means of providing gainful employment to unemployed and underemployed citizens of the United States through the performance of useful public work, and for other purposes.

The CCC demonstrated that there was absolutely no conflict between the preservation of the environment and the creation of jobs!   The CCC is regarded as the most popular government program in U.S. History, and was the government’s most lasting environmental effort as well. This all public sector program will be a tangible investment in our Human and Natural Resource Capital.

H.R. 2206 would be non-partisan in scope as an alternative national service.   In WW2, one out of six in uniform served in the CCC! The CCC program will annually give over 300,000 openings for young unskilled adult citizens, able bodied Veterans and our forgotten Native Americans and also provide professional career opportunities for supervisor staff, engineers and scientists.  Other duties would include national defense and disaster relief.

So again we urge you to push for this program that worked for our many youth leading lives of quiet desparation by   making them mature and proud US Citizens as they become stewards of Mother Nature!

 "We cannot always build the future for our youth,  but we can build them for the future!"  ~ FDR

Tree Army Soldier planting a tree in Lolo National Forest in 1933.

Update #17 jaar geleden
Going to have visitors to the 32nd Annual CCC Alumni Reunion at Highlands Hammock State Park, Sebring, FL!
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