NOAA: STOP Commercial Shark Fishing Set For January 1, 2016!

  • van: Richard Apple
  • ontvanger: Guy Dubeck, shark management, NOAA Fisheries,

Off the coast of Florida, shark aggregations begin in January each year. Last year, the slaughter of our shark populations nearly wiped them out! With shark fishing already having decimated much of the worldwide shark population, this is the last thing we need! Help stop this from happening again January 1, 2016.

Please help save our wonderful shark populations from senselessly being slaughtered as authorized by NOAA to begin January 1, 2016. Delaying the commercial fishing season until July will make a huge difference to these animals. Without your help, our lemon sharks, tiger sharks, hammerhead sharks, etc. may be wiped out in just a matter of days. We desperately need your help to prevent it from happening.  Thank you!

Update #59 jaar geleden
We can stop shark fishing slaughters now or we can stop them later. NOW is better. It will take YOU calling your U.S. Senator, explaining what's happening, and asking for him to push for an immediate injunction! Stop NOAA from starting this slaughter January 1st!
Update #49 jaar geleden
NOAA is a part of the U.S.'s adherence to the conservation endorsed under the U.S.'s participation of the CITES pact. For anyone who believes that the Final Rule opening Commercial Shark Fishing on January 1, 2016 contradicts both the spirit and the intent of the CITES protections, please feel free to share as much with the rest of us . . . and share it with Mr. Dubeck at 301-427-8503.
Update #39 jaar geleden
The link to our Petition is NO LONGER BLOCKED by FB! It can be shared and posted everywhere as far as I can tell!
You can also place it on your Instagram Bio as your profile web site.
We are just about 5,000 signatures!
Update #29 jaar geleden
Our Petition is now over 2,500! The Petition will be emailed to Mr. Guy Dubeck at NOAA on December 19, 2015. PLEASE take the time to either call or email Mr. Dubeck to let him know how proud you are of our efforts and to request that he consider postponing the shark fishing to July 1, 2016 as has been the practice in previous years. Be courteous and respectful. He has a job to do. His phone number is (301) 427-8503 and his email is Thank you, Friend of Sharks!
Update #19 jaar geleden
Friends of Sharks!
Your response/support in only a matter of hours has been overwhelming! We are already over 33% towards our goal of 1,000 supporters of our petition. That means that if each of you can solicit just two other people we will reach our goat today or tomorrow. Needless to say, 4 or 5 friends would be outstanding.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Gracias! Merci! etc etc etc
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