Ban the production of foie gras in the European Union and its import into the UK.

  • van: Eve Steadman
  • ontvanger: The Presidents of the Commission and EU Agriculture Council

The force feeding of ducks and geese to make their livers swell to five times their normal size has been shown to be cruel. Experts including the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation and the European Food Safety Authority agree that foie gras production has severe welfare implications. The force feeding process itself is also illegal across Europe, as the Commission's own regulations prohibit: "[providing] food or liquid in a manner...which may cause unnecessary suffering or injury". Foie gras  producing countries side step this regulation by claiming its production is a "cultural tradition". Compassion in World Farming, (CIWF) along with other welfare organisations has been engaged in a long struggle to see an end to foie gras production. Please go to their website: to see what else you can do.

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