Prosecute The Killer of Cecil The Lion

Cecil the lion was a male African lion. He lived in Zimbabwe, at the age of 13, and was a major tourist attraction in Hwange National Park. He was being studied by Oxford University via GPS collar, and was popular among his own kind, being part of 2 prides or lion social groups. One day a Minnesota based dentist named Walter Palmer paid $55,000 to go illegally hunting, in which he lured Cecil out of the park, and killed Cecil with a gun, but first injuring him using bow and arrow, then sending the death bullet into Cecil. After that Cecil was skinned and beheaded by this monster dentist, who has faced no prosecution by the Zimbabwean minister. Walter Palmer hadn't just killed Cecil, but had also ruthlessly hunted other important or endangered animals such as rhinoceros's, big horn sheep, warthogs, leopards, bison, black bears, and much more.

Even though he wasn't prosecuted in Zimbabwe doesn't mean he can't be prosecuted here, in the U.S. Currently the U.S. is considering prosecuting Walter Palmer for his atrocious, selfish act of idiocy for bribing foreign officials, and illegally hunting a protected species. The US Fish and Wildlife Service

Walter Palmer has killed several animals illegally, and he needs to see justice. Why should he walk away from illegal hunting, bribing officials, and killing an endagered animal? This is a message to other illegal hunters that if they get caught, they will suffer no consequences.

If Walter Palmer is prosecuted, it will begin a  new age of animal protection, by arousing the world of the animal problems that exist, and showing that they will be stopped.


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