Miami Dade NEEDS TO BE SHUT DOWN!!!!!!

MIAMI DADE animal shelter is the most poorly kept animal shelter in Florida. They allow their animals to be flooded, kept in poor conditions (no better than what they were rescued from), they aren't fed properly, they are hidden behind closed doors where adopters cannot see them or interact with them. It is no better than a puppy mill and people need to step up and take action against a shelter which is doing nothing for rescue!!!

Improper care, medical assistance, love, attention, all things that Miami Dade and their Cruella Devilles of caregivers have given these dogs, cats, horses, etc.  I have never seen such a sick display of a shelter as I, along with many others, have seen as in this "shelter".  It has become a morgue for unloved animals, not a rescue, or safehaven.  This shelter NEEDS to be brought to attention for their inhumane, gruesome, uncaring, disgusting treatment of animals brought to their "care".  I will NOT stop until this hell hole is closed and these helpless animals are brought to a safe and secure habitat.  Would you take your child to a disease infested 7-11 bathroom for shelter??? Well this is 100x's worse.....and to many of us, our animals ARE our children.  These animals have suffered enough.  Let's take 5 seconds of life to put an end to their suffering.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Only need 180 more signatures!!! After the first initial share the numbers started to slow, so please keep sharing!!!
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