Demand equal protection of the law for all races

Native Americans are not treated equally under the major crimes act of 1885 (18 usc 1153) the federal courts purposely disregard the text of the statute that congress has decreed and by the Supreme Court that held the major crimes act as constitutional and valid in 1886( U . S.
V. Kagama) that " any Indian who commits any of the "M.C.A. "offenses shall be SUBJECT to the SAME law " and "treated in the same manner and tried in the same Court as any other person who commits the same offense" The Native Americans who are arrested under this law are not subject to the same law or treated in the same manner as non Indians who commit the same crime in the same place instead they are subject to two trials -one Tribal and one federal while the non Indian is subject to only one ( federal) -equating to a equal protection violation. 

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