Governor Brown's recent water restrictions take an important step toward water conservation for the state. But the restrictions have one glaring omission: farms, which use a whopping 80% of the state's water, according to Bloomberg. While none of us wants to see California's agriculture suffer, the truth is that crops such as almonds and industries such as cattle raising consume far more water than residential water districts, and they should be held as accountable as residents.
The executive order issues no restrictions for agriculture, but requires agricultural suppliers to submit plans for managing their water during the drought. The order should require the same 25% cuts for corporate farms as residential areas. It is certainly beneficial for all of us to be more mindful of how we are using our water, and get past our need for a green lawn. But it's equally and perhaps more important that corporate farms be held responsible for their role in the water crisis. Please ask Governor Brown to add corporate farms to his executive order for 25% reduction in water usage.
Update #19 jaar geleden
Great news! Farmers in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta offered to give up a quarter of their water use this season, and state officials have accepted. This is a huge step in the right direction, and it is expected farmers in other areas may follow suit. Please continue to sign and share so we can keep the pressure on. Thank you!