Beam Reach Neighborhood Supports Geist to Indy Greenway

Biking, Walking or Running from the Geist Area to Indianapolis on a Monon Trail style Greenway has long been the dream of the over 50,0000 Geist area residents. That dream can become a reality, but we need your help... As you may know, many of us have been working tirelessly for years to connect the Geist area to Indianapolis through Fort Harrison State Park with a 8 -10 foot wide paved Greenway. The good news is that we are making excellent progress and funding for trails is now available by way of a grant.

With the help of the City of Indianapolis, we are submitting a grant application in the next couple of weeks. Our goal is to be awarded the funding which will allow us to FINALLY build this much needed and long sought trail. Imagine being able to bike from your home to downtown Indy, or Carmel, or Broad Ripple without taking your life in your hands by riding on Fall Creek. 

We are almost there, but we need your help. We have been told that individual neighborhood petitions will carry a lot of weight in the decision-making process to the reviewers of these grant applications.  If you would like a trail connecting Geist to Indianapolis, please sign this petition and encourage your friends and neighbors to do so as well.


"Your Geist Area Neighbors"

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