Justice for Marius the giraffe & other zoo animals

  • van: Joanne Lewis
  • ontvanger: European Association for Zoos & Aquaria

The EAZA* are an organisation that most zoos are members of. They set the rules and regulations regarding conservation and what can and cannot be allowed. Copenhagen Zoo are members and it was due to EAZA's rules that killed Marius the 18 month old Giraffe on Sunday 9 February 2014. 

Marius was not the first animal to killed beacuse of these rules. There have been many before and there will be many more to come.

In the name of conservation they breed animals, make thousands of pounds exhibiting the the general public, then when they are no longer  tny cute babies they execute them becaus etheir genes aren't good enough.  In short if they don't make the grade they are executed.

Marius was still a baby at 18 months old he was shot in the head, skinned and fed to other animals.  

Thsi proves how little regard the zoologists, zoo directors, keepers &  vets have for the creatures in their care.

The few that do make the grade are rarely set free, they remain in their enclosures, exhibited to the publc for money.  Conserving a species for them to be nothing more than a chattel is POINTLESS. 

Please sign my petition to insist that EAZA stop this to stop this systemic  slaughter in the name of conservation. 


We do not agree to the slaughter of animals in your members zoos in the name of conservation. Any animal bred in captivity has the right to a long and pain free life. No animal should be considered "surplus to requirements"  and should be given the opportunity to be re-homed. Please review your policy to allow this. 

Yours faithfully 

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