Inquiry into 45 Deaths at Tea Tree Gully Boarding Kennel and Cattery, South Australia

  • van: Inga Fidel
  • ontvanger: South Australian State Government

On the 3rd of January 2015, 20 dogs and 25 cats died when abandoned, trapped in their cages at the Tea Tree Gully (TTG) Boarding Kennels and Cattery, during the horrific Adelaide South Australia bushfires. The 45 animals burned alive when an executive evacuation order was allegedly given for the property (40 other dogs in a separate building survived). We are seeking an inquiry into the reasons for neglecting to save these beloved pets despite: conditions being well-known and reported in mainstream and local media; multiple offers of help from volunteers; multiple inquiries from pet-owners on whether to collect their animals on the TTG Boarding Facebook page (posts allegedly deleted BEFORE the entire page was deactivated by the business owners); multiple warnings from SA Police, Country Fire Service, and extensive road closures. In light of other animal facilities evacuating all of their charges expeditiously during the event, we are also seeking guidelines for MINIMUM STANDARDS to be discussed, ratified into legislation and applied to animal boarding facilities in fire-prone South Australian areas, so that a tragedy of this magnitude has little chance of recurrence. Although the animals who perished can't be replaced, we are hoping for something positive to come from the heartbreak. We call upon the SA Government to instate as a matter of urgency an inquiry into these concerns. Animal lives matter! Click here to see their deleted web-page stating: "We will be right there with them, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."

Some publications are unafraid to tell the truth in the face of lies... kudos to Tracy Campion for her brave investigative reporting: 45 Animals Abandoned in Australian Boarding Kennel Bushfire

Update #510 jaar geleden
This is our final update before the petition is presented to the South Australian government, sometime soon. We are more determined than ever that the perpetrators of this mass horrific crime be held accountable, for a very long time. Our activists are highly dedicated, and you'd be aware that some occurrences transpire behind the scenes in order to attain justice. We can tell you there's been NO announcement OR APOLOGY from them. Please share this petition widely - the animals THANK YOU.
Update #410 jaar geleden
As more willful acts of gross negligence are uncovered, it's important to keep the spotlight on these cruel kennel owners and ensure that they NEVER own or operate another animal facility- never, ever again. There's been another scam donations campaign halted (@ and we still need to keep the pressure upon the South Australian Govt to prosecute these monsters to the maximum penalty under the Animal Cruelty Act. Please SHARE WIDELY- thank you for your support.
Update #310 jaar geleden
Progression today with a harder stance against firefighter Paul Hicks by a neighbouring fire chief: and, one of the illegal money-grubbing donations campaigns closed:
There's a long way to go until any enquiry takes place, which is why YOUR SIGNATURE is so important- PLEASE SHARE this petition widely- the animals thank you!
Update #210 jaar geleden
More revelations in the past few days: the death toll may have to revised upwards, to approximately 80 pets and not 45 as first reported. Many, many questions remain unanswered while the owners go into hiding, citing distress at the prospect of lawsuits. These are incredibly selfish and self-centered people we are dealing with. Whatever happened to the "fire plan"? Where were the owners? Was ANYONE attending the animals? More soon...
Update #110 jaar geleden
UPDATE JANUARY 11: Reports to date have revealed no less than [edit] NOW FOUR illegal tax-free fund-raising campaigns on GoFundMe and elsewhere for the kennel-owners, who no doubt also have insurance. They cite the removal of their facebook page due to negative comments, but more likely due to the anguished postings of pet-owners. I urge everyone to make a report to the South Australian RSPCA at:
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