Ban live exports of calves and sheep from Ramsgate UK

  • van: n mac
  • ontvanger: To present signatures to Ramsgate authority

Sign to say how you feel about live exports from UK.

These calves are taken from their mothers and shipped out from Ramsgate after a gruelling journey from Scotland.

P and O Ferries have refused to take them so the 'farm' that breeds them found a vunerable port and greedy ship master to do it instead. The ship master of the Joline has been found guilty of numerous animal welfare crimes. These babies are only 3-5 weeks old, scared and alone.

The sheep are taken abroad, by the Joline, for ritual slaughter. Their throats are cut without stunning. Ramsgate has become a hot-spot for live animal exports. The person organising the animals going abroad has been charged and convicted for animal cruelty. We must stand up for the animals.


Update #16 jaar geleden
Calves were taken from their mothers in Scotland and taken through Ramsgate.They were as young as 3 weeks old and suckling from the activists fingers.Compassion In World Farming are also onto this please sign this as well.Ramsgate WILL NOT be used as a gateway to hell for BABIES.
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