MTV: Drop Reality Star Who Shot & Killed an Endangered Shark!

MTV has a long history of glorifying the lifestyles of the rich and famous without much consideration for whether the people they make famous have any sort of moral compass. But MTV has hit a new low with Alex Kompothecras, the star of MTV’s “Siesta Key." A new viral video allegedly shows the reality star shooting and killing a hammerhead shark off the side of a boat. The shark can be seen dangling helplessly from a fishing rod.

Hammerhead sharks are endangered, and their population has declined 80 percent. It's sick to watch Kompothecras smiling gleefully as the helpless animal struggles and dies. He can be seen pumping two bullets into the poor animal while chuckling. He also posed in a photo with a dead hammerhead on MTV's Facebook page.

This isn’t Kompothecras’ only controversy. Apparently, he is friends with the men who recently filmed themselves dragging a shark from their speedboat, though evidence suggests he wasn’t on the boat himself. On top of that, photos on Kompothecras’ Instagram show him force feeding a fish beer, giving a dog a beer bong, posing with animals he’s hunted, and making racist and sexist comments. And of course, he’s been photographed wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat.

This behavior cannot be condoned or tolerated, even if the perpetrator is rich and famous. MTV must take a stand against this racist, sexist animal abuser.

Please sign this petition to demand MTV drop Alex Kompothecras for ruthlessly killing an endangered animal!
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