save the grassy corner swans and cygnets cambridge uk

This is to help save the wild life on the river cam in cambridge uk from being killed

every year wild birds are killed by a rowing event which could easily be avoided by just placing a speed limit for the rowers leading up to the events and placing a care boat during the races.

The main killing is of new hatchet baby’s such as ducks,morhens and swans 

the RSPCA and the Natural England have been in the past years called upon by our small group to try and get wild life protection but it has got to the stage that we need to sort this out once and for all.

cygnets have been killed and recovered and the RSPCA have confirmed that they have been killed due to blade strikes

the RSPCA have called for a speed restriction to be put in place on the cam and we have been asking for this for 5 years the cam conservators who are reasonable for ensuring the safety of the wildlife on the river and should be managing the use of the river stretch have tried to have the swans removed as the male gets upset with the boats I wonder why??

so the purpose of this petition is to ask for people to email the river manger and ask for the action points to be acted upon

the email address is

and ask them to place the speed restriction immediately and to ensure the safety of the cygnets and all the other wild life is safe during the races the area you should ask for is the grassy corner area and nesting site for the swans

please email me on for more ways you can help save the wild life

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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