Save Derbyshire's Children's Centres

Derbyshire County Council is planning to close 32 Sure Start Children's Centres. This will result in the loss of up to 200 jobs, as well as vital support for local children and families. Please sign this petition to demand that these invaluable Centres remain open.

Closure of the Children's Centres will have a detrimental effect not only on the workers losing their jobs but on pre-school age children and our comunities in general for years to come. The Centres provide both education for young children, and also support on a range of issues including family health, work, parenting skills, and disability needs. 
The government has cut the council's budget by £70M. The council admit that this harsh austerity measure is "biting deeply" and that it is impossible to provide the same quality services on less money. However, it is Derybshire County Council's responsibity to find a less devastating way to save money and to protect the most vulnerable in its community from the government's cuts. 

Please sign this petition and tell Derbyshire County Council not to cut vital support for young children and their families. If enough people sign, the council will have to consider fairer ways to balance the books.

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