Demand an End To Taiji's Horrific Assault on Dolphins

UPDATE: On February 14, 2019 in Taiji, 10 Risso's Dolpins were drien into the cove, including 4 calves. The 6 adults were slaughtered. Mercillesly, the 4 calves were dumped out at sea, alone. From September 1st to March 1st,dolphin hunters from Taiji, Japan goes out and drives in many species of dolphins. Most dolphins get turned into dolphin meat, which is poisoned by mercury. Even for the few who survive, they are sold to marine parks for a life of slavery. As anti-captivity hero Ric O'Barry said, "This has to end to end in my lifetime."


1. Sign this petition

2. Take the pledge to never visit a marine-mammal captivity facility.

3. Check out Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project on Facebook. at and the Dolphin Project website story that prompted this petition at

4. Check out my other petition:

5. Share this petition with friends.

Update #26 jaar geleden
The Taiji dolphin hunting has ended for 6 months, but this petition still matters. Please continue to share and Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for your support!
Update #16 jaar geleden
Sorry about failing to put a target. My petition now has a target.
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