Get Katie Nash Her Job Back!

Katie Nash corrected a student's spelling in a humorous and joking way on Twitter, with no hints of actual torment, and Frederick County Public Schools has fired her. We need to get her her job back or at least get her a job somewhere where she is rightfully appreciated.

Update #28 jaar geleden
We are truly making a huge impact on the awareness of this situation. I've sent the story into Ellen and a reporter from Frederick News Post. I will be conducting an interview with her soon. Here is a link to our first media coverage of the petition:

Thank you for all your support. 3800 and counting! Keep spreading!
Update #18 jaar geleden
Everyone, we've made amazing progress for our first day: 235 signatures and counting. We still need to keep the numbers rising to get this goal met by the deadline (I believe we have 5 days). Please, share everywhere and tell everyone you know to sign this petition - all your friends at other schools or in other states, teachers, and parents. Your voice is being heard. We can make this change be real and help Katie's life return to normal.
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