A Woman Was Hit by a Freight Train Because Police Left Her Handcuffed in a Parked Car on the Tracks!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Platteville and Fort Lupton Police Departments

Police left a handcuffed woman in a car on the train tracks to be hit by a freight train! She was only 20 years old and the cops say they left her there while going to search her car. But everyone knows you don't park on train tracks, this was gross negligence. In a horrific video of the incident, a freight train hit the police cruiser with the woman inside, causing her to suffer multiple broken bones and a head injury.

Sign the petition to demand all officers involved are fired and investigated for gross negligence! 

While the woman miraculously survived the crash, she has a long road to recovery thanks to a broken arm that required surgery, nine broken ribs, a fractured sternum, and a wound to her back and head.

"She saw it coming and could hear the horn," said Paul Wilkinson, the woman's lawyer. "She was trying to get the police officers' attention, screaming at them. She tried unlocking the door. She had her hands behind her back and was frantically trying to unlock the door." The whole experience must have been terrifying for this poor woman. She had no control and the cops cared more about hitting their quotas for arrests than the safety of a civilian.

There is no excuse for such carelessness. Sign the petition to demand the officers involved are fired and investigated for gross negligence!

Photo credit to Platteville Police Department

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