Tell Biden to punish the companies busted price-fixing and ripping off American families!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: Biden administration

In the past few weeks, a slew of shocking investigations have exposed how a slew of American companies have been caught in wild, far-ranging conspiracies to fix prices, artificially inflate prices, or even, in Wal-Mart's case, straight-up stealing from their customers.

In a bombshell report, the FTC said collusion by Pioneer Natural Resources and OPEC may have cost the average American household up to $500 per car in increased annual fuel costs. Software algorithms used by housing management companies have been busted artificially inflating rents. Studies show that major grocery chains took advantage of supply chain disruptions during the pandemic to hike up prices to increase their profits.

Tell Biden to take action against exploitative companies ripping off the American people!

American families across the country are feeling the crunch as the cost for housing, food, gas, you name it, soars into the stratosphere — while big corporations rake in record profits.

It's time the Biden administration took serious action to rein in the corporate excess — and to give their ill-gotten money back to the American people.

Tell Biden to punish the companies busted price-fixing and ripping off American families!

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