Stop The Brutal Massacre Of Protected Wolves!

  • van: Eric Rardin
  • ontvanger: Virginijus Sinkevičius, the European Union's Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries

Wild wolves are finally returning to Europe, after centuries of persecution; but they are being killed in droves, despite protections. Add your name if you want to end the slaughter, NOW!

The first wolf to be seen in Belgium in over 100 years was reported in January of 2020, marking the return of wild wolves to every nation in continental Europe.

But if something doesn't change soon, wolves could be back on the list to be exterminated.

"The wolf is protected by EU law but a rising tide of hostility is encouraging some politicians to push to kill it.

"France approved a cull of up to 40 wolves following protests last year.

"When Germany's wolf population reached 60 packs, its agriculture minister recently argued that numbers must be regulated by culling.

"Finland has culled its wolf population down to 150, and this winter Norway is slaughtering about half of its wolf population of less than 100 animals," reported The Guardian.

They went on to say: "the resurgence of hostility to the wolf is driven by political parties seeking votes in rural areas."

"There is a perceived conflict between rural and urban areas. The wolf became the symbol of how people in rural areas would like to take that power back and have less centralized decision-making," said Ingrid Lomelde, conservation director for WWF Norway.

In other words, this slaughter of these defenseless wolves is political pandering to rural farmers.

But the situation is not hopeless...

"If we are not used to something, we are afraid. When the wolves are new to an area, there is lots of hesitation and people don't like to have the wolf; but if they learn to coexist over the years, people get more friendly with the wolf. But if the political system goes in another direction I'm afraid that it will be a bad time for the wolf," said Valeska de Pellegrini, wolf commissioner in the German state of Brandenburg.

That's why we need to pressure the European Union to back up their laws protecting wolves with REAL action.

Our goal is to to deliver this petition to Virginijus Sinkevičius, the European Union's Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries. His department oversees the protection of biodiversity in Europe, including wolves.

It doesn't matter if you don't live in Europe. Your signature can still help make a difference.

Don't you want to stop this cruel, unnecessary slaughter of Europe's wolves, just as they are returning to the lands they once roamed?

Then add your name to ask Commissioner Sinkevičius to introduce legislation that would impose severe sanctions against European countries that persecute their precious wolves!

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