Make American McGee's Alice in Otherland a Reality

If you want to see American McGee's Alice in Otherland come to life then please sign our petiton. A little over a year ago Alice: Madness Returns hit stores, the sequel to the popular game American McGee's Alice. It received mixed to positive reviews, and was very popular among fans of the original game. In the end, Alice: Madness Returns was a successful game. The creator of the series, American McGee, has repeatedly stated that the story for a third Alice game is ready and that there is interest in the development of the third installment. There's only one problem. EA owns the IP to Alice, and have shown little interest in the creation of the third game. American McGee has suggested petitioning EA in his online forum "Ask American". Now it's your turn to help! Every signature counts, let EA know we want Alice back! 

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