Maybe we can change the world for the better, if we stand firm together.
1) Pesticides don’t solve pest problems.
If they did, we wouldn’t repeatedly use them, now would we? Americans use more than a billion pounds of pesticides each year to combat pests on farm crops, in homes, places of business, schools, parks, hospitals, and other public places. YUCK! Instead, it would be wise to change the conditions that make pests thrive.
2) Pesticides are hazardous to our health.
Imagine, some people don’t believe this! According to the Environmental Protection Agency (who regularly sleeps with all of the pharmaceutical companies), adverse effects of pesticide exposure range from mild symptoms of dizziness and nausea to serious, long-term neurological, developmental, and reproductive disorders.
For instance, Glyphosate, better known as Roundup, damages genes and causes birth defects. And it’s the most widely used herbicide in the United States; we use almost 200 million pounds a year.
3) Pesticides cause special problems for children.
Let’s remember that for their size, children drink more water and eat more food and than adults, and both of these can be (and often are) contaminated with pesticides. Their play increases their potential exposure. Imagine, for instance, your child playing on turf or on a grassy lawn or park treated with pesticides.
4) Pesticides contaminate our food.
Even after peeling and washing fruits and veggies, about 60 percent of our produce still contains more than one pesticide, says the USDA.
5) Pesticides are particularly hazardous for farmers, farm workers, and people who live near them.
There are no comprehensive systems for keeping track of the number and type of pesticide illnesses in the U.S., but research shows that farmers and farmworkers face risks of acute poisoning and long-term illness.
Because agricultural pesticides account for over 75 percent of total U.S. pesticide use, farmers and farmworkers are often exposed to large amounts of pesticides. The EPA has estimated that between 10 and 20 thousand pesticide-related illnesses occur among farmers and farmworkers every year, but the agency believes that these large numbers are actually serious underestimates.
Mothers, meanwhile, who live near farms and are exposed to insecticides are more likely to have children with ADHD.
6) Pesticides are dangerous to pets.
Pesticide poisoning of pets is common. For example, in 1990 the American Association of Poison Control Centers received over 11,000 calls regarding pesticide-poisoned pets. Only antifreeze causes more pet poisoning deaths than rodent control pesticides and organophosphate insecticides.
Exposure to herbicide-treated lawns and gardens increases the risk of bladder cancer by four to seven times in Scottish Terriers, according to a study by Purdue University veterinary researchers. Since when do canines get cancer?
7) Pesticides contaminate our water.
According to a national study, 90 percent of our nation’s urban streams are contaminated with pesticides.
8) Pesticides are not good for fish and birds.
When pesticides contaminate water they can be particularly toxic to fish. In addition to fish, other marine or freshwater animals are endangered by pesticide contamination. A pesticide’s capacity to harm fish and aquatic animals is largely a function of its (1) toxicity, (2) exposure time, (3) dose rate, and (4) persistence in the environment.
It is clear that some chemicals have the potential to affect entire food chains. Routine environmental use of neonicotinoids, for instance, perpetuates the propensity for runoff, groundwater infiltration, and the cumulative and largely irreversible damage to invertebrates, all of which raise significant environmental concerns.
9) Pesticide “Health & Safety Testing” is conducted by chemical companies.
As we mention in Vanishing of the Bees, this is a bad case of the fox guarding the hen house. The Environmental Protection Agency does not conduct independent studies. They rely on the chemical companies to do due diligence. And my oh my, what a surprise that they find all the poisons relatively safe. Well, be certain that doesn’t mean a thang!
10) Pesticides just have too many secrets.
Where are pesticides used? When? How much? What’s in them? We almost never have good answers to these questions. But we do know many persist in the environment and that they synergize when combined. And inactive ingredients are really not inactive at all.
What are genetically modified organisms? They are plants or animals that have been genetically altered by scientists with other types of DNA to form essentially a 'new' plant or animal. Monsanto is a very large company that produces much of the worlds genetically engineered plants and animals commonly called GMO’s. I realize 150.000.000 million signatures sounds a little ridicules, but if half of the US of A’s population comes to the realization that genetically modified organisms are not good then we are on a good start to making the world a better place. Consider this a wake up call, if we start at the beginning then there will be a domino affect and everything will fall into place. Better farming practices will equal a better future for generations to come. Here are some great facts to why you should help this petition out.
People genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are not good for us. In fact they create major health problems. Chronic illnesses such as food allergies and autism (among other illnesses) have sky rocketed since GMO's have come onto the market.
And I quote:
"The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients."
Monsanto has spent the past three decades wrecking our environment, poisoning our bodies, and pushing species of crops to the verge of extinction with a wide array of toxic products. And Monsanto's signature herbicide, Roundup, does all these things at once -- but Monsanto has lied over and over and said that the product is perfectly safe. Yet independent research has found the chemical is creating herbicide-resistant superweeds, making a species of butterfly extinct, and disrupting normal human body functions.
Monsanto has inflicted awful damage upon the Earth and its inhabitants, but the company is finally facing significant blowback. Now, while the tide in the ongoing war of consumers vs. the agriculture giant is swinging our way, it is the time to call on Monsanto to tell the truth about the effects of Roundup.
We don't want to be sprayed!! End of story!!
Maybe we can change the world for the better, if we stand firm together.
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