Stop landlord bans on pets

Millions of cats and dogs die in pounds and shelters every year across New York State and many of them have been surrendered by owners who have not been able to find house or apartment rentals that allow their beloved pet(s). This is not only heartbreaking, but also adds to the burden put on taxpayers for animal control, upkeep and disposal. Renters are already responsible for any and all damages to the rental property, so even if a pet does damage the renter is responsible to pay for that damage. It is unreasonable for landlords to dictate whether a family can have pets or not. Most families consider their pets to be an integral part of the family, a loving family member and they should not have to give up a family member in order to rent an apartment or house. We are asking you Governor Cuomo to stand up for our four legged family members and stop landlords from dictating whether we can keep a family member or not.

Millions of cats and dogs die in pounds and shelters every year across New York State and many of them have been surrendered by owners who have not been able to find house or apartment rentals that allow their beloved pet(s). This is not only heartbreaking, but also adds to the burden put on taxpayers for animal control, upkeep and disposal. Renters are already responsible for any and all damages to the rental property, so even if a pet does damage the renter is responsible to pay for that damage. It is unreasonable for landlords to dictate whether a family can have pets or not. Most families consider their pets to be an integral part of the family, a loving family member and they should not have to give up a family member in order to rent an apartment or house. We are asking you Governor Cuomo to stand up for our four legged family members and stop landlords from dictating whether we can keep a family member or not.

Update #110 jaar geleden
I have heard that many landlords are concerned about being held responsible for a dog becoming aggressive and biting someone, but legally landlords are not responsible unless they knew the dog was aggressive with people and still allowed the dog to be there. You can check the article on this.
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petitie tekenen
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