Demand the IOC Revoke Olympics in Tokyo 2020

  • van: Paula Stein
  • ontvanger: Mr. Thomas Bach, President IOC
The yearly slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan is a shameful and horrific blight on humanity. Dolphins are sentient and self-aware individuals. Witnessing the slaughter of their families, experiencing the terror of the drive, is no different than human children witnessing the slaughter of their own families. The so-called "fishermen" of Taiji cannot even claim the dolphins are used for their meat because dolphin meat is toxic with mercury and PCBs. It is unfit for human consumption.
Young dolphins, not killed outright, are sold into a miserable lifetime of slavery in marine aquariums.
The Government of Japan has refused to address this horror. As Taiji is one of the foremost marine slaughters on earth, noteworthy for its absolute brutality, Japan shows the world that their country is unworthy of hosting the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Please sign this petition to let the Government of Japan know that allowing the Taiji slaughter to continue is unacceptable.
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