Save the Rhinos

I got this email

Dear Ceilidh,

Thank you for taking action on Care2 to address Africa's poaching crisis. Too many animals are slaughtered at the hands of organized crime syndicates. I work with one of the most threatened animals in Africa: the rhino. Two are butchered every day... but your support gives me hope. I'm writing to you from the frontlines – our field office in Zambia – where we vigilantly work to protect these imperiled creatures and combat their human predators. The sad truth is that rhinos will go extinct without our help. Please tell everyone you know about the poaching crisis. Enlist their help. Together we can save Africa's wildlife.

Thank you, Jones Masonde AWF Ecologist

Keep signing please

Update #19 jaar geleden
Please share we need to stop poor rhinos from getting killed!
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