CDC: Adjust Your Condescending Alcohol Guidelines for Sexually Active Women!

  • van: Emily L.
  • ontvanger: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This week the CDC released a health warning essentially recommending that all sexually active women who are not taking birth control should refrain from drinking alcohol -- because it could result in "injuries/violence," "sexually transmitted diseases," and "unintended pregnancy," among other things.

The warning, which exists primarily to warn pregnant women of the dangers of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), comes frighteningly close to a concession to our rampant rape culture. To suggest that a woman who is not trying to get pregnant and drinking alcohol might, as a result, contract an STD, accidentally get pregnant or be susceptible to violence is outrageous and akin to telling a woman she should not wear a short skirt because she might get raped.

Beyond this horrible section of the report, the CDC also basically turns the responsibility of preventing FASDs to any woman who is sexually active, using broad language to recommend that women stop drinking if there is any chance that they might become pregnant.

Good intentions aside, this report is damaging and dangerous. Please sign this petition asking the CDC to apologize and rework the warning so it doesn't promote rape culture.

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