Genetically engineered fish products pose a serious threat to the environment because it could bring toxic substances that puts other organisms at risk, increases resistance to a wider range of viruses and diseases, and severely degrades biological diversity. Genetically engineered fish products are not tested by the FDA, instead relying on the easily biased information from the manufacturing company. Genetically engineered salmon in particular is also considered as a new animal drug, since its biotechnology causes salmon to grow at twice the normal rate. In regards to human health, genetically engineered products could hold unforeseen human health risks such as hidden allergens or toxins that have not been thoroughly tested. Therefore, we urge Ms. Debbie Stabenow as well as the other members of the Senate Agriculture Committee to approve of Bill S. 230 "To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to prevent the approval of genetically-engineered fish."