He Pretended to Be a Veterinarian. Now, At Least One Dog Is Dead.

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: California authorities
In Monterey County, California, authorities recently discovered that a man was pretending to be a veterinarian and illegally performing procedures without a license!

Sign the petition to demand justice!

People had been bringing their pets to him, at his home, where he was engaging in all kinds of unethical and illegal actions. Those included conducting invasive surgeries on the animals, as well as prescribing medications.

It's not a surprise to learn that at least one dog has already been confirmed dead as a result of his fraudulent veterinary work.

On top of that, he was keeping multiple dogs locked up improperly. Among other problems, he had locked up 12 French bulldogs and a Doberman in cages that were much too small - and without any food or water for them. Four dogs were inside a shack that had no ventilation, and didn't even have any sunlight.

We must demand that authorities ban this man from working with, owning, or living with animals in the future! Sign the petition!
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