Animals matter more than Makeup!

  • van: Kelsey Valois
  • ontvanger: The Masses. Specifically the store Target.

I know a lot of people who would love to parade down New York wearing makeup brands Covergirl, Olay, or (anyone know where i'm getting to?) a fur coat. 
Of course, Olay and Covergirl test on animals and wearing fur is wearing the skin of a tormented victim. And I can say that right of the bat that animals matter WAY more than makeup.
Not only do the masses need to know that Covergirl tests on animals, but stores need to ditch cruel products.
I made this petition to tell the store Target to ditch cruel products like Aussie or Arm and Hammer, and increase the selling of animal-loving products.

Dear Target,
As a customer at your store, I know that you sell cruel products like leather and makeup brands that test on animals like Aussie, Covergirl and Olay.
Animals die needlessly for fashion every single year because of people rubbing chemicals in their eyes, feeding them toxins until they die, and for leather, tormenting and electrocuting animals until they die.
I am very uncomfortable with you selling the remains of dead snakes and cows  and the toxins that killed thousands of animals for one product.
Please remove these products from your walls and promote better brands.
Thank you. 

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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