Stop the incompetence and neglect which is killing the Port River Dolphins.

    On the June 25, 2021, one of our well-known Port River Dolphins named Doc was captured for the purpose to free him from fishing line and fishing hooks in his mouth and body. As seen by the photo poor Doc’s mouth was cut up badly by the hooks. The fishing line cut down to the bone, and the bone had turned black. This is a clear and obvious indication he had a severe infection. But the vet did NOT give him antibiotics. Why not? The vet did not give him pain relief. Why not? This is gross incompetence, and the attending department ranger did not push for treatment. Two days later Doc disappeared. Too many dolphins have died from this kind of incompetence. Too many dolphins have died from neglect. This population of wild dolphins is in fast decline. We call on Minister Speirs, the head of this government department to hand over health care of these dolphins to the Australian Marine Wildlife Research and Rescue Organization (AMWRRO).
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    petitie tekenen


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