Calling on Venue Owners/ Instructors to Address Safety Concerns in the Latin Dance Community

  • ontvanger: Dancers of the Portland Dance Scene

To Our Beloved Dance Venue,

As members of the Portland dance community, we are reaching out to share our deep concerns and invite a conversation about how we can foster a culture of safety and respect in our shared dance spaces.

Over the years, and increasingly in recent times, numerous incidents of uncomfortable, inappropriate, harmful behavior have occurred in dance venues—without consequence. We are a group of 100+ consisting primarily of women/follows that have reached a breaking point. Many of us have personally experienced this harm, and we know countless more stories from others in the scene. This is not an isolated issue, it is a widespread and ongoing problem.

The impact of these experiences goes beyond uncomfortable moments on the dance floor; they break trust, push people out of the scene, and create an environment where dancers—especially women and follows—feel unsafe.

As a community, we believe it's important to acknowledge and address behaviors that can make dancers feel unsafe, including:
Sexual misconduct – Sexual assault, groping, coercion, and inappropriate touching
Physical aggression – Physical assault, forceful movement, and non-consensual touching
Verbal harassment – Intimidation, threats, derogatory remarks, and persistent unwanted advances
Stalking & persistent harassment – Repeated, unwanted attention that causes fear or distress— following, monitoring, excessive messaging, showing up uninvited, or using intimidation tactics.

We recognize that every venue operates differently, and we appreciate any efforts you may have already made to foster a more welcoming atmosphere. However, we believe that more needs to be done for us to feel safe and continue to enjoy something we love so much. We would like to suggest a clearer and more proactive approach to addressing these concerns. Some possible steps could include:

A process for addressing concerns in a way that allows dancers to feel heard and supported
Guidelines for addressing inappropriate behavior, ranging from a conversation or verbal reminder to temporary or permanent removal when necessary
A transparent way for community members to report concerns, such as designating a staff member or creating an anonymous reporting option

We understand that these are complex issues, and we are not experts in policy or legal matters. If you are open to it, we would appreciate the space to have a private and confidential conversation to discuss specific concerns and potential solutions together.

At the heart of this effort is our shared love for dance and community. We are only growing by the day in numbers and would love for you to help in providing a safe space for all. Thank you for your time and consideration, and we look forward to working together to uphold the values that make this community so special.

[Insert signatures here]

Suggested Guidelines for a Respectful and Safe Dance Community

Intending to foster a positive dance environment, we encourage venues to share and uphold the following suggested community standards:

1. Respect All Dancers – Every dancer should be treated with dignity, regardless of their sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, religion, nationality, age, ability, profession, or skill level.

2. Lead & Follow Without Assumptions – Anyone may choose to lead or follow. Do not assume a dancer's role based on perceived gender expression.

3. Consent is Essential – Always ask before initiating a dance. Never pull someone onto the floor without their agreement.

4. Boundaries Must Be Respected – Anyone has the right to decline a dance at any time, for any reason, without pressure or guilt. If someone declines, accept their response and move on.

5. Safety Comes First – If a dancer feels uncomfortable or unsafe, they have the right to leave a dance or conversation at any time, without explanation.

6. Be Mindful of Physical Contact – Dancing involves physical connection, but no one should feel forced into movements or holds that make them uncomfortable. Aggressive or non-consensual physical manipulation is unacceptable. Always ask before leading dips or sensual movements. Leads invite follows to engage in movement and follows have a choice in whether or not they engage.

7. Harassment Will Not Be Tolerated – This includes persistent unwanted advances, ignoring boundaries, derogatory comments, or any behavior that creates an unsafe atmosphere.

8. Social Dancing is Not a Dating Service – Agreeing to dance does not imply romantic interest, nor does it invite physical contact beyond the dance itself. Following someone off the dance floor or making unwanted advances is inappropriate.

9. Teach Consent & Social Dance Best Practices – Dance instructors and venue organizers should actively educate students on consent, boundaries, and the importance of non-forceful leading. Teaching proper lead-follow techniques includes emphasizing that follows have autonomy in movement, and that no dancer should feel physically manipulated or pressured.

By implementing and supporting these guidelines, we can ensure that our dance spaces remain inclusive, welcoming, and safe for all.

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