• van: Frank Stanek

On April 14th 2014 a Toms River Resdient killed his dog Mocha by stuffing the dog in a crate and running a hose from his car exhaust to the dog crate. Numerous police officers were dispatched along with Jim Bowen from Animal Control. When they left the premises they left with a dead dog and no charges filed. The township asst attorney Anthony Merlino sent a letter stating that there was circumstances as to why the resident wasn't charged. To this day they haven't given us those circumstances. They continue to hide behind the open investigation scenario that the Ocean County Prosecutor is still doing there investigation on. Bottom line is a crime has been committed and Jim Bowen along with Joann Benson his supervisor felt they were the judge and the jury and instead of charging him they offered senior services through the town. Tax payers money to defend a dog killer. The truth will be told that a man killed his dog because he didn't want to deal with the mess the dog was leaving behind. Jim Bowen never contacted the SPCA instead he picked up the rug and swept it under all by himself. SO PLEASE FIND IT IN YOUR HEARTS TO SIGN THIS PETITION.

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