Stop the bombing of Palestine

The Palestinians deserve to be free of genocide as did the Jews under Hitler.  They, being an ancient people of that land, derserve to live on it as much as do Israelis.  And most expecially innocent Palestinians deserve life--we must all work toward ending this war; toward staying the hand of Israel in its mindless and unjust destructioin of Palestine.

Dear Fellow Concerned Citizens:

This petition aims to gather 1,000 signatures to stop the bombing of Palestine where many innocent people are being maimed and killed.  I believe you, as I do, value human life, especially that of innocent people. 

Since the 1967 war Israel has continued to occupy Palestinian land, which has been the home of this ancient people for thousands of years.   The response of Israel to Hammas rockets fired on Israel is far more destructive, taking hundreds of lives and maiming others.  With so little land left in Palestians hands and so much more destruction coming from Israel, it would appear that the intent is to completely wipe out the nation of Palestine. The Palestians no more deserve this than did the Jews deserved genocide under the hand of Hitler. 

 We must take action to stop this destruction--let us not allow this to happen again--please sign your name and share  the petition with others.

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