using the military to halt poaching

  • van: james kolber
  • ontvanger: President Jacob Zuma republic of South Africa

Many countries are using their military to help combat the rising poaching epidemic. Nepal has had no poaching in it national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in two years using their army.
South Africa has the most powerful and up to date military in subsahal Africa. It is not involved in any conflicts. Using the military is cost efficient and very effective. Poachers do not want to confront superior force.
Time to stop poaching and let the world know that South Africa is on the forefront of the fight to dave wildlife and preserve this incredible resources.
Deploy the military in and around national parks, reserves and sanctuaries.

Update #29 jaar geleden
As your all aware the demand for lion bones is huge in Asia China, Laos and Vietnam leading the way. This increasing and the only way to insure the continued survival of lions and other embattled species is wiyh a strong military presence. South Africa has one of the most corrupt governments in southern Africa. Please help dave African anomals bu circulating and reposting this petition. Again thanks.
Update #19 jaar geleden
Thanks for signing. Still need signatures so if you haven't shared yet please share. If you know any animal welfare sites or blogger sites please forward. And again much thanks.
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