Justice for the Starved German Shepherds

German Shepherd Dogs were found living in their own waste without food, water or heat in a house of horrors in February in Cresco, PA, USA. There were 10 dogs total, 3 were found dead and the others were emaciated, matted and covered in feces and urine. These dogs were continually breed, never saw the light of day, and never left their jail cells.
Peter Zervas, who owns the successful Blue Comet Diner in Hazelton, PA, USA, left the dogs without any care for approximately a month or more in the brutally cold winter.
Zervas told police that he paid somebody to take care of the dogs but did not know the man's phone number or address. This is not Zervas's first brush with the law. In 1991 he was arrested for receiving stolen property, criminal conspiracy and corrupt organizations for his involvement with a burglary ring.
These full grown German Shepherds weighed between 40-45 lbs when found. Normal weight for this breed is 65-95 lbs.  This video tells it all.
Please don't let the justice system give him a "slap on the wrist" for his crimes. He needs to be given jail time. Please sign this petition.
In reference to Pantellis "Pete" Zervas, who has been charged with 10 counts of animal cruelty in the neglect and starvation of 10 German Shepherds dogs, we the undersigned implore Your Honor to impose the harshest possible sentence including jail time for these charges. We ask that you require Mr. Zervas to repay all veterinary and care bills for these dogs. We also ask the Mr. Zervas be banned from owning or keeping any animals on his properties.
Thank you, Your Honor, for your attention to this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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