Repeal the HCDSB restricting charity motion: (includes restriction of Me to We, SickKids,)


The Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) has passed a motion that they will no longer provide or facilitate any financial donations to charities or any non-profit organizations that publicly support (either indirectly or directly) abortion, contraception, sterilization, euthanasia, or embryonic stem cell research.

This means that with this motion schools are NO LONGER to permit or facilitate charities or donations related to: CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY (RELAY FOR LIFE), ME TO WE, SICKKIDS, ALS SOCIETY OF CANADA, UNICEF, HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF CANADA, TERRY FOX RUN, and many others.

These are charities that do wonders for our communities and "enhance health, equity, and social justice." Please sign this petition to show support and to repeal this motion. USE YOUR VOICE!

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