Stop all promotion of Fur sales and Fur products

  • van: Robyn Thurmer
  • ontvanger: Minister Tony Abbott Prime MInister

This is most incredibly cruel and sadistic , treatment of Animals for their Fur to sell to make products, "Why do you need fur products that are made of Real Fur when ther is Faux Fur!! Please help to stop this barbaric practice where Animals are actually skinned Alive . Horror .:(

Dear Prime Minister,
                                We the below signed are petiitoning you to stop all promotion and sales of fur Products being imported from countries such as China. Sir you must be aware, as we all are that the practice of Skinning Animals while they are Alive is in use ,and an abhorrent and very cruel practice just imagine the pain you would suffer if this was you sir.

  Plese do something in Parliament to stop the importing of goods where our government knows this is the practice being used. 

Thanking you in anticipation that you will take notice of this petition.

Yours Sincerly Robyn Wright        


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