Charge Greg Abbott for blocking rescuers from saving drowning migrants!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: Biden administration

Texas Governor Greg Abbott's cruelty is well-documented by now, but his latest outrage truly crosses the line. The Justice Department has accused Texas national guardsmen of blocking federal Border Patrol agents from rescuing a woman and her two children who drowned in the Rio Grande while trying to cross the border.

It is beyond appalling to see the Abbott administration's disgusting, dehumanizing disregard for the lives of immigrants. First it was razor-wire buoys to maim and shred those trying to find a better life for their families, and now he and his men are refusing to life a finger to save the lives of innocent people simply because they were born on the wrong side of an artificial, arbitrary border.

Hold Greg Abbott accountable for migrant deaths!

Greg Abbott has grown far too big for his britches. His men recently seized control of a public park in Eagle Pass that Border Patrol had been using to hold migrants and now they're refusing to let federal agents do their jobs and keep people from dying.

President Biden needs to nip this little rebellion in the bud ASAP and hold Greg Abbott accountable for his crimes. No human is illegal and no life isn't worth saving.

Charge Greg Abbott for refusing to save drowning migrants!

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