No crow hunt in Utah!

  • van: Maria Goller
  • ontvanger: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

A select group of decision-makers in Utah has given the go-ahead to the first ever crow hunt in the state. Many Utahns are against this, but their arguments and concerns have fallen upon deaf ears.

The arguments in support of the hunt are based upon little factual evidence.

Some reasons to protect crows are:

1. Crows are intelligent animals that invent games, solve complex problems, even "snowboard" down snow-covered roofs.

2. Crows play an IMPORTANT role in the ecosystem.

3. The crow population is actually in DECLINE in Utah.

4. Killed crows will go to WASTE, as most hunters aren't interested in eating crow.

5. In fact, hunters at the public meeting spoke out AGAINST the crow hunt.

6. Ravens are easily mistaken for crows, and will get shot instead.

7. If we, as concerned citizens, allow the crow hunt to occur without protest, what animal will be hunted next? Where will this end?

Stop the crow hunt in Utah!

We, the undersigned, are opposed to a crow hunt in Utah. It is unnecessary and unjustifiable to kill crows in this state. The population is small and all arguments used in support of a recreational crow hunt lack scientific evidence. Furthermore, there are a multitude of reasons to protect Utah crows. Although the crow hunt has been approved for September, we are NOT going to quietly accept this decision. We are citizens of Earth and our voices will be heard.

Update #210 jaar geleden
Hello all!

I sent our signatures a month ago but still haven't heard back. Unfortunately, I doubt we'll get any sort of answer. We'll see!
Update #110 jaar geleden
Sadly, the crow hunt in Utah will begin tomorrow. However, I will continue to send new signatures to the Utah Wildlife Board. Hopefully they will finally listen to the public! The crow hunt season is in September and December-January. Let's stop the December hunt!! Thank you!
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