Ban Gay Conversion Programs in Canada!

Many countries are no longer supporting the movement to "cure" homosexuals. Even Exodus International, an American group, stopped and apologized. So why are these programs still going strong in Canada?  

One program is called Living Waters. A Christian program out of Toronto, it has a 22-week program that is supposed to "heal" gay individuals and costs $550. The leader, Dave Lawson, believes that God made us to only be sexually attracted to the opposite sex so homosexuals cannot exist. Living Waters is registered by the government and gets most of its funds from tax-receipted donations. This money has allowed them to start programs in churches all over Canada and allows the leaders of the organization to make from $40,000 to $79,999 a year. 

Psychological experts have come to the conclusion that this kind of "therapy" can lead to depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety.

Please tell the Canadian government to ban these gay conversion programs in Canada! 

Dear Canada Government, 

In a lot of countries the movement to "cure" gay folks is dying down. Even Exodus International, an American group, dismantled and apologized for their actions. 

Despite that, Canada not only has programs like this still going strong but they are registered by the government and get their funds from tax-receipted donations. One example of this is Living Waters. They offer a 22-week program that is supposed to "heal" homosexuals for $550. 

The professional psychological community says that these programs can lead to depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

Please ban these gay conversion programs in Canada. Thank you for your time. 

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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